• "shut up and take my money!!!!"
  • "i want a spiritcape more than anything i’ve wanted my entire life"
  • "Did you work at Nike or something? Quality is amazing."
  • "worth every cent"
  • "only birthday present I asked for"
  • "you'll never feel more badass"
  • "pure genius"
  • "I wasnt prepared for all the attention"
  • "If Apple made a 'wearable flag', it would look like SpiritCape"
  • "omg omg omg"
  • "duuuudddeee that might be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen"
  • "my only regret is not buying 2"
  • "I found what I’m going to buy the second I become a citizen"
  • "best packaging ever"
  • "I will lose my shit if I hear where did you get that one more time!"
  • "SpiritCape is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen"
  • "Can't believe this was only 65 dollars. U should charge more."